Nayab Matloob
4 min readJun 1, 2022
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Change is inevitable. Throughout history, humans have adapted to a changing climate and environment. However, the rate at which this change is happening now was never like this a few decades back.

Today, climate change and environmental degradation are considered two of the most complex and widely debated issues. World leadership has a consensus about mitigating climate change and subsequent environmental degradation because of their adverse impacts on all areas of economic and social importance.

The Glasgow Climate Pact, adopted by almost 200 countries at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2021, recognizes the global climate emergency and urges member countries to take part in the fight against this issue (United Nations, 2021).

This can be possible only if the public and private sectors, together with the local communities, take responsible measures. Not only mitigation measures but also adaptation techniques must be taken into account in order to effectively control the global emergency of climate change and environmental degradation.

  1. Reduction of the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases:

To begin with, the reduction of the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is one of the most significant steps toward mitigating climate change. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) trap the heat of the sun and stop it from going back into space, thus causing global warming.

Many greenhouse gases occur naturally, but human activity is increasing their concentrations at an unprecedented rate. Between 1970 and 2020, greenhouse gases generated by human activity have been the top contributors to climate change (United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Emissions Gap Report, 2021).

Thus, it is imperative to control the flow of these gases into the atmosphere by various measures such as improving fuel efficiency, making power on-site with climate-friendly energy resources, and cutting down on petroleum-based fertilizers. In sum, controlling the emission of greenhouse gases is highly important for effectively limiting the harsh impacts of climate change.

2. Controlling deforestation:

Moreover, controlling deforestation and implementing efficient reforestation solutions are necessary for mitigating climate change and environmental degradation. Trees are highly crucial for the environment as they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which is converted into carbon and stored in them.

In the absence of trees, this carbon dioxide will find its way into the atmosphere and increase the earth’s surface temperature. This is evident from a study by the World Resources Institute that says that tropical tree cover loss is causing more emissions every year than 85 million cars would over their entire lifetime (World Resources Institute, 2018).

Therefore, the promotion of tree plantation drives and taking strict action against the deforestation mafia are necessary for mitigating climate change and environmental degradation.

3. Reactive adaptation:

In addition to various mitigation mechanisms, targeted adaptation measures are very significant for ensuring sustainable living. The first adaptation mechanism is “reactive adaptation,” which is currently used on a global level. Reactive adaptation involves responding to a prevailing situation caused by climate change or environmental degradation.

It is widely regarded as a “wait and see” strategy, and most climate-related policies revolve around it. There are various propositions in this regard, such as building flood diversion channels and growing crops that are resistant to heat, flooding, and droughts. Consider, for example, the “blue-green cities”.

These cities bring water management and green infrastructure together while creating a more natural urban environment. Hence, the reactive mechanism is mandatory for adapting to climate change and environmental degradation.

4. Anticipatory adaptation:

Furthermore, reactive adaptation must be supplemented with anticipatory adaptation to effectively manage the adverse effects of climate change. Anticipatory adaptation refers to the actions planned before any consequences of climate change come to the surface.

It involves reducing vulnerabilities to the damage caused by climate change through capacity building. In this way, factors responsible for the deterioration can be controlled before they cause actual harm. For example, “End to end” Early Warning Systems (EWS) are highly advantageous in this regard, as they monitor hazardous levels, warn the community in the affected areas, and finally organize response teams on the ground.

This mechanism can be well understood by analyzing the Pan-African probabilistic flood forecast system with lead times of up to 15 days (European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2015). They are highly crucial for limiting flood-related losses as they provide more time for preparation and decision-making. Thus, anticipatory adaptation must be incorporated into the policy measures to prevent potential losses from climate change and environmental degradation.

Last Thoughts!

In a nutshell, climate change and environmental degradation are greatly influencing all aspects of human life across the globe. With the rise in global temperatures, abnormal melting of glaciers, and acceleration of sea-level rise, the world of today is in a highly critical position in terms of its climate and environment.

World leadership is aware of the seriousness of this issue and various mitigation measures are being taken to exacerbate this malice. These measures include cutting down on the use of fossil fuels, controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, and limiting deforestation, among various others.

However, these mitigation measures must be coupled with reactive and anticipatory adaptation strategies to catalyze the process. If properly carried out, these measures may prove effective in mitigating the negative impacts of the issue, and a safe and clean world will be passed on to the coming generations.

